Schertel Architektur

Experience –Expertise – Innovation

"The simplest form is not always the best, but the best is always simple"
Heinrich Tessenow, architect (1867 to 1950)

Our work makes us highly responsible for shaping the environment in which we live as a society and asindividuals. As architects, we have to live up to this responsibility.
Our ideal is to create designs that are simple, with a lasting integrity of form and purpose. Thearchitectural philosophy of Schertel Architektur is founded on a formal self-restraint that reducesdiversity of materials and maintains a critical stance toward those recent architectural phenomena thatmanifest themselves in expressive forms and disregard usage, design, and functionality.
Schertel architects stands for contemporary architecture and the awareness of a living tradition.


• Business
• Education
• Residential
• Sport
• Ski jumps
• Culture venues
• Energy consulting


Ski jumps
World-wide project development, planning, and construction of ski jumps.